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Give Kenyan kids access to digital education
Plastic art in Kibera, Nairobi

Enhancing the learning- and living environments of schools

MoMo Education by Sister Schools Foundation is an educational organisation, with headquarters in the Netherlands, connecting schools in Europe and on other continents aiming to enrich education by creating a Digital Educational Exchange Platform (DEEP) for pupils aged 10-18. 

Sister Schools Netherlands works together with the DEEP Kenya Trust to give schools and pupils the possibility of creating positive change to their learning- and living environments.

MoMo is going to work together with the Imelda Institute Brussels, Kibera Girls Soccer Academy (Nairobi) and Spring High (Amsterdam) to integrate educational lessons on citizenship and intercultural communications with creating safe, clean and positive learning environments. As an outcome of the lessons during this pilot project the pupils will develop a design for an awareness raising campaign / crowdfunding (e.g. a magazine, an online blog, short video etcetera).

Sustainable Impact

This pilot project targets girls and pupils from both schools age 15-17 who will work together on a community building project, during a minimum period of 6 weeks, starting in September 2022. The aim is to continue the exchange programme in order to create a sustainable relationship between the pupils from the two countries and the schools. For getting the best results out of this exchange we will collaborate on a teacher training programme during the year, through a small scale partnership programme between the schools.


The project’s objective is to strengthen the capacity of the schools, teachers & pupils and helps:

1 > Teachers:

  • To elaborate on the MoMo Education methodology of Sister Schools
  • To work together with the pupils and a Local Learning Community (LCC) in order to create positive change in the learning- and living environment around the schools.
  • To get assistance in digital intercultural education and didactics and therefore become better equipped teachers.
  • To develop partnerships with local stakeholders to connect the school with the neighbourhood
  • To obtain a certificate of excellence in digital intercultural education, using 21st century skills, project-based learning & modern didactics.

2 > Pupils:

  • To be confident Communicating with peers from another culture.
  • To collaborate in small groups to work on well-defined projects.
  • To learn (intrinsic motivation) and therefore improve their exam-results.
  • To learn Digital & Media Skills, life skills & literacy skills.
  • To understand how to solve problems & think critically.
  • To become independent and responsible (world-)citizens.

3 > Schools:

  • To create an attractive (international) learning environment, which will be appealing to the pupils and parents.
  • To have a sustainable relationship with a Sister School on another continent which will create all kind of possibilities e.g. exchange of information, knowledge, skills & setting up real-life projects.

The above goals will be accomplished by undertaking the following activities:

  • Guide the students in the lessons offered by the Sister Schools Programme during a period of 2 month (September / October)
  • Create an open educational learning environment where the pupils can succeed in their tasks and assignments connected to the exchange project.
  • Become part of the network between schools to help create equal opportunities for education for all children worldwide.
  • Receive extra lectures/workshops to get parents and teachers involved in the exchange programme;
  • Become part of a Local Learning Community to execute projects concerning the improvement of the learning- and living environment of the schools.

About the Author

Julia Strijland

Documentary filmmaker and social entrepreneur with a passion for education.

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