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Give Kenyan kids access to digital education

Entertainment-Artist: Ana-Carmen Balestra (soprano) and Maurice Lammerts van Bueren (piano)
Charity Event 2024 video

Be Part of the MoMo Movement!

No one has ever become poor from giving. In fact, it has been proven that people who share their time, knowledge, or resources with others are happier. Generosity is not only beneficial for those on the receiving end, but also for the givers themselves. MoMo is financially supported by individual gifts, donations from ‘for-profit’ organisations, funds and contributions from schools that can afford it. This year, MoMo is developing from a pioneering organisation into a professional organisation. Anyone with a passion for education and equal opportunities can contribute and thus become part of the MoMo Movement! With time, a good network, a donation or knowledge sharing.

MoMo’s annual charity event is the opportunity to 




We are looking to build solid corporate partnerships and create a MoMo Movement of like minded people and organisations. As a growing NGO our needs are numerous and your commitment can make a big impact in the life of hundreds of kids.

Results charity event 2024:

The event took place on a beautiful evening and at a great location with presentations by, among others, the new ambassador of the foundation Thijmen Sprakel , Collins Lidede, board member and founder/director Julia Strijland. The guests also came up with the MoMo Move, a movement that symbolizes the MoMo Movement.

The event’s income: 5050,- euro
Wonderbox: 1500
High & dry: 700
Private donations (sofar): 850
Schiphol Retail: 2000 (cash)

The event’s costs: 1050,- euro
Wereldhuis (food): 15×50 = 750
Location: 300

Profit: 4000,- euro

During the event, the video of our organization was shown and a short thank you video was recorded of the event itself. 

Other spin offs:
1. Cooperation with Jan-Bart Heijne, teacher Commercial Economy of the Hogeschool Leiden > Students are going to crowdfund for our mission and foundation
2. Connections with Soroptimisten, Rotary and the Lions Club
3. Free video support by Willy Schmid and Henk Erkens
4. New partnership with Globi

Do you like to contribute please visit MoMo’s donation’s page.

You become a Movement Member with the 50×50 action;
MoMo is looking for 50 private donors, who can donate 50 euro per month.
What do you get in return?

– A free entertaining evening, including dinner and free drinks on July 3rd, 2024 in Amsterdam with top performers Ana-Carmen Balestra (soprano) and Maurice Lammerts van Bueren (piano)

– Access to our online network via the DEEP platform

– Free access to our webinars