Our Partner Organisations
As a Learning Network Organisation, MoMo is always reaching out to new partner organisations who can contribute to our goal to give children access to a digital learning environment.
MoMo is also thrilled to announce our new partner: Usepace,. They connected us to Edge Workspaces, who offers the Sister Schools Foundation office space for free at Fred Roeskestraat 115 in Amsterdam! A world city, where the connection between the municipality, companies, private initiatives and non-profit organisations is indispensable to show solidarity with each other. Only through cooperation can we fight inequality and can resources, knowledge and time be distributed and shared. Usepace is one of the initiatives in Amsterdam, which creates connections between people and organisations in a unique and creative way.
Route map:
With the MoMo Education method, the Sister Schools Foundation stands for connection and growth as a learning network organisation. With our own physical location in the city of Amsterdam, traditionally an international city full of connections between people from very different cultures, we can expand our network even more!
MoMo Netherlands currently works with 22 volunteers from 15 different countries and with the following partner organisations:

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, (gender) equality, education, health & environmental issues. On the 75th birthday of the United Nations (2020) a 30 minute film has been created telling the story of our world.

Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam
The Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam is our strong Amsterdam Based Partner, connecting us with the right people. Most of our volunteers have reacted to the job advertisements published on their website.

KansenNet Amsterdam
Stichting KansenNet is a volunteer organization in Amsterdam that offers tailor-made help in realizing their personal goals.

Loyens & Loeff

EDGE Workspaces

Clifford Chance

Wilde Ganzen


Stiftung 100

Chateau Amsterdam

Schiphol Airport Retail



Stean Beans

Brouwerij Oedipus Brewing

Marie Stella Maris
We received donations from:
Provincialaat Augustijnen Eindhoven: 500,- Euro
Donaties via Gofundme: 6.730,- Euro
Wilde Ganzen: 10.533,- Euro
Private Fund: 15.000,- Euro