MoMo’s upcoming events, for online training and special events, volunteer meetings and the MoMo Spreads Love Webinars.
July 10th, 2024
17:30 - 20:00
Volunteers Synergy Gathering at the Office
MoMo volunteers meet weekly during online team meetings and at our (free) office space. We have teams for Communication, Educational design & development, Finance, and HR. Additionally, we gather one time a month during the Synergy Meetings, to get to know each other in an informal way.
Location: Edge Workspaces. Fred Roeskestraat 115
July 3th, 2024
MoMo Spreads Love Funding Dinner Campaign for Solidarity in Action
Education can’t wait! In Kenya 2 out of 5 children are not able to attend school. New analysis (June 2023) indicates 224 million children urgently need quality educational support, and 72 million are out of school. Increasing inequality leads to greater polarisation, also in the Netherlands. On a daily basis the world faces more complexities that we can only tackle in collaboration. Let’s Connect – Communicate and Commit! All your donations are tax deductible, all our projects have proven impact. Be part of our Movement and join MoMo’s Charity Event.
Find out more about the event and how you can become part of it!